Getting down with the K.u.K.
- Historical context
- First World War
And that's how the First World War started.
But seriously, with all this surplus of Polandball and humon's excellent comics, I thought, 'why not yourself have a go at it?' I like flags and I like history! So hopefully this won't be the last.
The characters are drawing in the style of my Weirdo-comics, but otherwise have nothing in common. The characters are purposefully simplified in this manner.
Oh and I am sure someone will point out to me that Austria-Hungary was exactly awesome or any of the sort; dude, I know. The compromise was hardly a stable ideal, it was bound to go under sooner or later, especially with its aggressive Balkan position. You knew Russia was not gonna like that bitch.
Anyway, I pick Austria-Hungary, because no one else picks it and I really like their Civil Ensign. And I am not seeing humon drawing historical (albeit inaccurately!) stuff like this (and if she is reading this; that is a challenge!).
the first is always the best! Well, it had the best song in it.
Ha very funny and kuk is swedish for cock
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